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  1. Simulation and Problem Solving is a site from Yuya Sasaki (just have a look it is good information out there)

    Comments: We can easily use the neural network in order to classify an object - doing that we can apply the value found to the object (computing a variation) and then we can re-inject it all back into the network for the next shot. Another application would be to forecast a trend in the stock market, knowing that everyday we can adapt and make the network learn.

  2. Neuro Computing is a site from David D. Olmsted and concern mainly the neuro-computing.
  3. Comments: just have a look and read the story of before 1960... quite interesting to know how human uses its neuron to classify the concept of neuron...

  4. ME 885 Artificial Neural Networks is a power point document describing a simple Adaline network. The course is coming from the University of Saskatchewan Canada. It very well done and provide you with a clear view and explanation of the neural network philosophy.
  5. Neural Networks for Identification 2003-07-24 is a pdf document providing a small nice clean and very well explained introduction to the neural networks.
  6. OVERVIEW OF NEURAL NETWORKS is a quite easy to understand page introducing the neural network.
  7. General Psychology: The Neuron from Dr. C. George Boeree offers a very nice an clear introduction of the neuron and its interaction.
  8. Hadamard transform is a dedicated web site explaining and proposing several application of the Hadamard Transform. There is also an application for the neural network but (snif!) not in C++. As I intend to use the transform to generate some noise in my neural entity I will in a later stage adapt the java code and port it to C++ (with the agreement of Sean O'Connor)l





Should you have any links or web pages to propose, please let me know, you can always mail me at C.Hannosset