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[Object Structure]
[Evaluation Procedure]
[Learning Procedure]
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5. Learning Procedure


Before starting a deep analysis, we must first explain and clarify the purpose of the learning procedure.

What is learning and why do we need to achieve it?

We learn in order to avoid to do it again. Our conception of our environment depend heavily on our capacity to perceive and therefore comprehend our environment. In order to do both, we need to have a correct balance: we need to minimize the error in such a way that the probability to make adjustment is less than it was.

Are we really willing to learn if we know that we shan't be needing it anymore?

On the counter part, we have also to answer the following: Should we learn a process we know we have nearly no chance to use further? We can then talk not of learning but also adjusting some values in order to satisfy our immediate constraints.

We name contradiction I/O values a process for which the same inputs is requested different outputs. For such process, we have several reactions:

  1. The older outputs are to be abandoned in the profit of the new outputs. This mean we have made a mistake and are correcting it.
  2. But what if output O(1) was requested at t(i) - then output O(0) at t(i+k), the output O(1) at t(i+ak) etc... we clearly notice we are going to an endless loop and never the process will ever be correct. We have then to ask ourselves if we are in fact dealing with all the concerned input. Our learning is then  not adjusting values but finding the correct neuron we have to add in order to reach the requested result and to be able to change the new input values to reach the previous answer.

Learning Types

We can now understand that learning does not only concern modify the ratio associated with the dendrite and that learning can result in different actions for different purposes.

  • Adjust the process is to adapt the ratios values of the weight to reach the requested value.
  • Historical adjustment is to adjust the process and all the recorded (input . output) associated pairs in such a way the result would be the one expected. No concern is made of the error.
  • Incremental adjustment is widening the process (except the output) and attempting to find the neurons that when added to the process will generate the requested output - on the other hand the past output will also be satisfied - we have then to find the values of the newly added neuron.
  • Learning is concentrated on adapting the ratios of the dendrite in such a way that the error of the I/O values is less than the average error of the training set associated with the process.
  • Historical learning is to apply the learning on the new training set in such a way that the average error is halved.
  • Create certainty is applying the learning procedure until the error is less than a provided delta - the delta will be called the certainty error.
  • Adjust weights connection: in any of the cases, the process of neuron, is able to fully connect each neuron in order to restrict to the useful ones.


In order to be able to serve the different types of learning, we have to create a set of information related to the process. The set will include the following:

  1. Each time the process will go to learn, we will store the inputs along with the outputs and the time the learning was requested: multimap< vector<output> , map< time , vector<input>  > >.
  2. The process average error. Also, for each output we may add the relative error associated (multimap< vector<output> , pair< Relative error ,  map< time , vector<input>  > > >)
  3. The linked process associated. We will consider it as useless to engage a learning procedure is the process attached to this one have their process average error n times our. and vice-versa.
  4. Allow a variation of the process average error the process is linked with.

When learning?

I believe we are learning all the time and should be proud of such a possibility. Therefore the learning procedure must be seen not as an error reducer meaning that we will end by stopping to learn but as an excellent way to adapt to the unexpected. We will launch the learning procedure when  we know an output value is not the expected value: this can be done in two ways:

  1. Some output need to be reassigned as the result of a incremental adjustment due to contradiction I/O values (we need to discover the contradiction I/O)
  2. The output resulting the evaluation does not match the reality - this is the most complex for an application to grab as the application cannot see, touch, hear that the conclusion it took are to be at least adjusted.

Background and Importance

When processes are loaded and evaluated, it is for some purpose. The process itself has its own purpose, a collection of processes have a purpose and the entity itself is evaluation in order to meet some answer for a purpose. But during that process, some other process are evaluating in what we may understand as background; also when our mind is directed in one main goal, we still keep on thinking to other possibilities to reach the goal.

  • How can we decide that one learning process on this particular process is more important than another?
  • Also how can we make sure that we have all the information to assure to at least be able to adjust a process? Shouldn't we wait a little bit later? As long as we are using a process, we can merely adjust it but any other learning should only be done when we do not need it and with all the historical constraint we were able to record.

The Importance of the Process

A process is considered more important than another if the goal for which it is evaluated is more important - we can therefore see that the importance of the process is the meaning of its goal. I have differentiated 5 level of importance. It is not exhaustive  and therefore may be subject to more subtle partitions.

Primary: As a remnant of our original animal part, it serves mainly the survival: feed, reproduce, protect.

  • To Feed: we have no desire to improve our way of living, we can also eat nearly anything as long as it feeds (like Mc Donald).
  • To protect: we have to preserve our corporal integrity - this may be to avoid a car in the street or to decide running to avoid a raging bull, etc...
  • To reproduce: as the reproduction means contact, we have to preserve a minimum of contact potential with the language, the movements and the expression or art.

We can easily understand why these may have a very high priority and why the results must be quite fast adjusted but later on the background must reach the creation of certainty.

Foreground: Adjust

Background: Learn

Secondary: I call it our mammal purpose or oppose the deficiencies our species has with the creation of a community.  This importance is in fact a complement of the primary one. Indeed we are helping ourselves indirectly via the community. The survival of the community becomes then a priority. In order to survive the community can for example elect a ruler, and recognize some people as specialists in certain field of and knowledge and production. We are forced to trust the other (the medicine man, the chief, the baker, etc... ) and also pushed to participate to ceremonies and public manifestation.

  • Contact or create the community if none.
  • Bring something to the community to make it survive. This can be as well a job, children or a ceremony master.
  • Acknowledge the specialties of others and make use of it.
  • Participate to public manifestation (like concert, church, market, ... )

Foreground: Historical adjust

Background: Learn - may attempt an incremental adjust

Third: As a result of the community, the third importance is to protect myself from abuses resulting from the community. The creation of money (common mean of exchange) is basically the result to avoid people to abuse situation.... As describe in the secondary level, no one could ever avoid anyone to monopolize for himself the bread production in order to gain power. We have then to regularize and legitimize the transactions of and good and services. Acting so implies the protection of the goods and the means of exchange - also a legislation and rules of behavior in order to show example and stay impartial. Also we have to protect ourselves from others who may via a dubious way extort money directly or indirectly. In fact we have to protect our community from itself or some of its members;

  • money is a way to avoid but also detect abuses: use it!
  • respect the law and the institution of the community: use it to protect yourself.
  • help protecting your environment.
  • respect and protect the ways and customs.

Foreground: Learn

Background: Historical learning - may attempt an incremental adjust

Fourth: Create via an extraction, a small community that will protect its members from the dangers of the Community but also help each of its members during crisis. It is the recreation of the secondary importance not in front of the Nature but in front our our Community that as grown too big to be controlled easily by one person.

Foreground: Historical learning

Background: Attempt an incremental adjust followed by a Historical learning

Fifth: Learn to improve your wisdom and mind.

Foreground: Historical learning

Background: Certainty - Attempt an incremental adjust followed by a Historical learning

Post-pone learning

There is two cases when we should post pone the learning procedure:

  1. When we are still using the process. it is no use to even adjust the process as long as we are using it. In that case we have only to record the environment/input/output in order to allow a learning procedure later.
  2. As we already know, some learning requests to have all the results . This under some circumstances may require some time during which we are allow to overview all possibilities when idle.

Learning Type as Improvement


We may consider a normal utilization of a process as looking like a sinusoidal shape on the time(x)/usage(y) axis. During that period, the type of learning will mainly follow the constraints of the importance (note that the same process may be used in a low as well as high importance purpose)

We will recognize it by the following characteristics:

|Min - Max| is the frequency of usage, the average of frequency of usage will be maintained and linked with the process (NB the change of sign in the variation will trigger information on a min or max).

The last frequency (previous minima and maxima) will also be linked to the process apart - indicating if a brutal modification  has just taken place.

We will also link to the process ΔU(p): the average usage of the specific process p.

The importance will be somehow diminished or increased if the ΔU(p) is below or above  the ΔU ↔Δ∑U(p).

The U(p)δt (variation usage of the specific process p during the period of time Δt) may also affect the importance. Indeed if the absolute value of the variation difference is bigger than the difference between the previous minima and maxima, then we should or decrease or increase the importance of the process.

 | U(p) δt |  > | Max - Min |

We will not always adapt the learning type, this procedure will be triggered under the below circumstances:

  •  | U(p) δt | > | Max - Min |: This process is more and more used, we better see to improve the learning type.
  • ΔU(p) > Δ∑U(p): for us this process is very important and an ad hoc learning type is to be considered.
  • ΔU(p) > 0 && U(p)δt > 0: the process is to be considered as a potential important one, we better improve it now assuring a better service.

Learning type choice

We also have to adapt the learning type not only in relation with the utilization or the importance but also to minimize the effort of learning: the history of the learning types must also be preserved, but to what extent? Couldn't we simply maintain average (Δ) and variation (δ) of each of the learning type?

We will associate a map<learning type , pair< Average , pair< Time , Variation> > > with the process. Then for each learning type selected according to the importance of the process and the utilization data, we will adapt the learning type according to the average and variation.

Let us declare the following:

  • ΔLT(p) as the global average of learning type requested until now: we sum all the occurrences of the learning type for this process and divide by the amount of time the process was used.
  • ΔLT(p) δt(use) to indicate if the average of learning for this process is increasing or decreasing.
  • ΔL(type,p) is the average of a specified learning type of a process. (ΔLT(p) is partitioned into several ΔL(type,p))
  • L(type,p) δt(use) is the variation of a specific learning type to indicate if it is increasing or decreasing.
  • ΔLU(type,p) is the average of continuous utilization that did not required a learning procedure of the type mentioned.

Let us now examine the conditions that will modify the learning type:

  • ΔLT(p) δt(use) > 0 we are attempting to correct the process more and more. But the more we correct it, the worse it get. The question resides in "isn't it improving because we are adapting it or it just need a higher type of learning? In order to answer we have to retrieve the current type, and verify if L(type,p) δt(use) > 0 then we will adapt the current learning type to a higher one.
  • ΔL(type,p) > ΔLT(p): this particular learning type has increased the general average, we will have to find out how we can reduce the request of learning on this process.
    • If the type is the highest one, we are facing a process that is very unstable, we will then  apply the type that has the lowest average for this process hoping that it may do the trick.
    • If the type is the lowest for this process, apply it! (I haven't found a path yet!)
    • Otherwise, just rerun this procedure with the next type.
  • L(type,p) δt(use) > 0: the amount of learning request has increased. we will have to know how big this is. If ΔLU(type,p) < ΔU(p) *A (A has yet to be determined) then we will consider that this precise learning type is not fulfilling the learning purpose. The procedure will be reran with the next type.


Let us consider the following:

  • ΔW as the average of weight values for this neuron: will be considered as small dendrite value < .25 * ΔW - a big dendrite value >= .75 * ΔW - the rest being considered as average dendrite  value.
  • δWj(t-1) is the previous variation the dendrite has to apply.
  • V(t)  is the value of the soma at time t.
  • VDj is the value transferred to the dendrite j.

The algorithm will have to take two constraints into account:

  1. Modify as few weights as possible (change must be able to last)
  2. Minimize the variation to apply to the weights

When we have to learn, it means we have to improve the process answers to fit ours. We have to adapt the weights to reduce/increase the amount of information transferred to the last neuron. According to the variation to apply, we are confronted with various techniques. These techniques will be stored in memory and associated with a rate of success. We will then start with the most popular and changes until we are completely satisfied. Then we will store the new process.


  1. In the mathematical approach, we can compute the difference, and equally partitioned it to each of the dendrites.

    " j = 1 ... n (n dendrites attached to the neuron): Wj(t-1) * VDj = Vj(t-1)

    We know that V(t-1) = ∑ Vj(t-1) and V(t) = V(t-1) + δ      =>    Vj(t) = Vj(t-1) + δ/n

    <=> Wj(t) = Wj(t-1) + (δ/n) / VDj

                       = Wj(t-1) + δ / (n * VDj)


  2. In the proportional approach, we will work on the δ/n expression and use instead a more appropriate repartition of the variation.  The variation will be proportionate to the amount of value the weight has increased the soma. 

    " j = 1 ... n (n dendrites attached to the neuron): ∑wj(t-1) = ω and δ = | v(t-1) - v(t) |

    The formula could be <=> Wj(t) = Wj(t-1) * δ / ω

    But this logic will lea us to dead-ends as it will not affect the weights of a 0 value that are stopping some value transferred. 

    Having V(t-1) = ∑ Vj(t-1), we can write the formulae as followed

    <=> Wj(t) = Wj(t-1) + δ / V(t-1)

    We then here take into account not the values of the weights but the values sent to the dendrites. It is then proportional to the values sent.

    In order to adapt the weights proportionally to the weight values we should instead compute the following:

    " j = 1 ... n (n dendrites attached to the neuron): ∑wj(t-1) * Vj(t-1) = φ

    <=> Wj(t) = [ (Wj(t-1) * V(t-1)) + (Wj(t-1) * V(t-1)) * δ / φ) ] / V(t-1)

    <=> Wj(t) = Wj(t-1) + (Wj(t-1) * V(t-1) * δ / φ) / V(t-1)

    <=> Wj(t) = Wj(t-1) + δ * Wj(t-1) / φ

    As this formula depend strongly on the weight value: if the previous weight value is 0 the weight will never change... We are inclined to accept such a behavior as we consider that resetting a weight to zero is assigning the weight with an extreme value for extreme circumstances and should therefore not have suddenly a weight.

    If a weight has no value, it has no meaning of existence and should there be removed from the neural pattern (creating a new pattern) - later on, the incremental adjustment could recreate the  link and adjust the weight to a value different than zero.


  3. If the weight is connected to a neuron that is connected to other neurons, it is then normal to propagate the desired variation. The dendrite will have to propagate a certain percentage (50%) to the previous neuron and adapt itself with 50% (= .5 * δ).
  4.  Sometime it is better to adapt only a few dendrites. Here is a list of philosophy to adapt one or few dendrites:
    1. δ > V(t-1) * .625: The variation is quite big. We can choose several options:
      • Increasing: From the small dendrites values pool, select one randomly and adapt its weight. The same task will be done until a historical verification will prove the choice judicious. If the global error with the newly adapted dendrite is less than actual then the choice is judicious.
      • Decreasing: the same reasoning can be made but from the big dendrites values pool.
      • Alternative: adapt slightly all the weights of big dendrites values.
    2. δ < V(t-1) * .375: the variation is relatively small, we may then choose one of the following:
      • Increasing: adapt slightly the weight of the small dendrite values.
      • Decreasing: test if we can do without one or more dendrites - choice will be randomly and a recheck throughout the history must verify that the removal of connection is decreasing the global error of the process.
    3. δ Average:
      • We have to verify if one or more big can be promoted to average.
      • or and average to small or big.
      • or a small  to average or big.
      • Alternative: adapt slightly all the weights of big dendrites values.
      • Alternative: adapt slightly all the weights of Average dendrites values.

What and When to use

We may enquire for the correct choice while adapting the dendrites' ratios. But we also have an environment that will drive this choice taking into account the importance and the learning type (meaning do we need to adapt quickly or not?).

  • Mainly an first importance require to adapt very quickly as a better improvement will be performed later when time will allow it; and a fifth importance gives us plenty of time to find the appropriate balance in dendrites before reacting.
    • First importance will make usage of the first technique.
    • The second technique will be associated starting the secondary or higher importance as well as back propagation.
    • Adaptation will start with third importance or higher
  • The current learning type is also a function of the importance but may be seen with two levels: then one caught in the action and after during a sort of idle. It will then adapt the technique resulting of the previous selection.
    • Adjust will mainly be associated with the mathematical approach.
    • Learning will activate the back propagation  and start with the proportional approach.
    • Historical adjustment or learning will be done with the adaptive approach.
    • Incremental adjustment and the search for certainty will choose the best approach as all of them will be verified.
Should you have any comments or ideas, please let me know, you can always mail me at C.Hannosset